“ANY1 CHOCO” Brand Development Interview (CEO: Masazumi Kumazawa)

In March 2024, Japan Hydro PowTech (herein referred to as NHP) launched its first flagship store in Singapore for CHOCO, a chocolate brand created using its original hydrolysis technology. In this journal, we sat down with NHP’s CEO, Masazumi Kumazawa, to discuss the inspirations behind the brand launch and the journey to opening the flagship store. (Interview by Shuzo Okabe)

──Can you share what inspired you to have a go at launching a new brand and what that journey was like?

Most importantly, I wanted to show the world the value of NHP. Our business involves unique hydrolysis technology and the processing of raw materials using this technology. However, the term “hydrolysis” can be challenging to understand, regardless of whether someone has a background in the humanities or sciences.
When our hydrolysis technology is applied to the food industry, it creates delicious, safer, tastier, and more hygienic food. It also contributes to a drastic reduction in the time required for food processing. However, merely explaining this technology in theoretical terms is challenging because it’s an innovation that hasn’t existed in the world before. Therefore, using our hydrolysis technology to create delicious food that translates to a direct experience felt crucial.

──So, the brand acts as a presentation of the technology and potential of NHP to consumers. And why did you choose chocolate?

The catalyst was meeting Mr. Donbou, a chocolate expert who served as an advisor for developing ANY1 CHOCO. Through conversations with him, we became acutely aware of some children having to give up eating chocolate due to allergies and other dietary restrictions. Enjoying delicious treats is a central part of childhood, and being unable to do so is probably incredibly heartbreaking for them. Additionally, some people worldwide do not consume dairy or animal-based products for religious, ethical, or philosophical reasons.
Of course, there are already chocolates available that cater to allergies. However, to be quite frank, many don’t taste great. ANY1 CHOCO was born from the desire to change these circumstances. There are different kinds of people worldwide, so it would be great to have delicious chocolate that everyone can enjoy.
However, we couldn’t make this chocolate on our own. Therefore, we enlisted the help of Mr. Donbou and Mr. Fujita, a world champion in chocolate making. Through repeated prototyping, we finally arrived at what we were looking for. We hope a lot of people will try and enjoy our chocolates.

──Where did the name “ANY1 CHOCO” come from?

We had a few name options in the planning stage. We chose the name ‘ANY1’ because it implies that anyone can enjoy our products and become someone’s favorite. What I mean by this is that our technology is not limited to chocolate; it’s a science that can be widely applied to various foods and has the potential for broad applications. After “ANY1 CHOCO,” we might create products like ANY1 Sake, ANY1 Sauce, and even ANY1 Meat. In attaching different uses or applications after “ANY1,” we can become something for everyone and become the top choice for someone. We thought it was a fitting brand name that embodies this concept.

──You recently launched the brand and opened its first-ever store in Singapore. What’s your impression of the store now that it’s open?

After the opening, I ordered and tried the ANY1 CHOCO ice cream and drink myself. It sounds like we’re singing our own praises, but I was truly surprised by how delicious it was.

──It seems like the rich taste surpasses the commitment to using only plant-based ingredients. What is your impression of opening the store on the same day as the brand launch?

As I opened the store door, the excitement was overwhelming. I love music, and the store felt like a well-curated record shop, with stylishly designed products that make you want to buy them for their “cover” appeal.
Reflecting on the experience, I realize that the environment and atmosphere play a significant role in perceiving “deliciousness.” For example, a hot pot tastes even better when shared with family or close friends. In the case of chocolate, we want it to have a sense of luxury and presence even if people are enjoying it at home. The ANY1 CHOCO store in Singapore has a sophisticated ambiance that isn’t overbearing, and it conveys a sense of joy, like choosing vinyl for a record collection, allowing each person to indulge in their curiosities.

ANY1 CHOCO Singapore Store (Photo: Yusuke Hattori)

──Why did you choose Singapore for the first store in the world?

Singapore is a multicultural nation, which was a crucial factor for us. It’s a place where people with different values, religions, beliefs, physical constitutions, and allergies coexist. While there are many multicultural countries in the world, Singapore also has a high population density. It’s a small city-state where the entire country is essentially urbanized. We decided to lean into this characteristic – there’s a sense that someone will always find their way to the store and its products, and our message is bound to resonate with someone. We wanted the store and its products to be easily accessible to everyone in their daily lives.

──Why did you choose the Telok Ayer area?

If our only goal was to sell chocolate, we could have chosen a famous tourist street like Orchard Road or set up in a department store in Singapore. However, that would turn the experience into more of a leisure activity, something people visit only on weekends. We wanted ANY1 CHOCO to be something more familiar and accessible. The Telok Ayer area is near an office district, meaning people can enjoy our ice cream or drinks during their work breaks. We envision this store as a place where anyone can stop by to relax and enjoy.
Additionally, Telok Ayer has historical significance as it was one of the first areas settled by people from South India. There are Indian and Chinese temples nearby, and the old-town atmosphere is preserved despite being in a business district. The location perfectly represented the crossroads of old and new cultures. Plus, it’s conveniently located near the station.

──What’s next for ANY 1 CHOCO now that you’ve opened the Singapore store?

With the opening of our flagship store, we also established a local subsidiary called Hydropowtech Singapore (HPS) to expand our operations. However, as mentioned earlier, the goal is more than just operating a Singapore store. We believe it’s vital that we expand globally to provide delicious and safe food that anyone can enjoy. We’re already considering the next locations for expansion.
As a mid-sized company, securing talent is crucial, so we’ll likely focus on expanding in Asia first. Staying true to our commitment to multiculturalism, we aim to extend our reach to the United States, with Asia as our base. Additionally, since ANY1 CHOCO is suitable for Muslims, the Middle East is also a potential market.

──It sounds like you plan to expand globally, but with a focus on Asia. Do you have any specific product ideas as you expand into various countries?

It’s essential to incorporate the local soul food of each region. For example, if we expand to the Middle East with ANY1 CHOCO, we want to use local ingredients like dates. By using local ingredients, we can provide delicious products that locals can enjoy, which shows respect for their culture.

──What are your goals for HPS, the local subsidiary you established for ANY1 CHOCO in Singapore?

Through HPS, we aim to offer delicious products that cater to various ethnic groups. Singapore has a diverse population, including Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, and South Indian descent. We plan to find and use unique ingredients from these communities to create our other chocolates. We also want to communicate why ANY1 CHOCO is so delicious, what ingredients we use, and how technology and raw materials are important in chocolate making.
Additionally, we plan to expand into B2B operations with other ASEAN companies that are interested in using our unique technology and processed raw materials. Many companies and stores worldwide could benefit from our chocolate ingredients, such as the hydrolyzed solids and powders used in ANY1 CHOCO.

──So, does this mean that ANY1 CHOCO will have marketing and business development functions while distributing raw materials, similar to a trading company?

Yes, one reason we chose Singapore is because it serves as a convenient trading hub. Singapore has an excellent logistics environment; for example, Changi Airport operates 24/7, and the Port of Singapore is a central maritime hub through which ships from around the world pass. By having our stock and technology here, it becomes easier to expand globally. This is an important aspect for HPS’s B2B operations.

──Lastly, could you share how you feel as you stand on the start line for ANY1 CHOCO?

From 2005 to 2011, I lived in Singapore and worked in material manufacturing and sales. This project has brought back memories of traveling to various countries in ASEAN and India. It feels like I’ve returned to my thirties, and I have the same boundless ambition to develop diverse businesses in various countries that I had back then.
I plan to dedicate myself fully to this endeavor for the next ten years. In ten years, I want to create an environment where young people can pursue the businesses they envision. There is little opportunity in Japan for those in their mid-thirties to forties with significant experience to develop their skills fully. I want to grow NHP and HPS and establish new bases worldwide, creating spaces where the next generation can freely build their businesses. That would be very rewarding.